Congratulations to Mark Gilday, who won a $25 gift certificate to Surfland Bait & Tackle at our June club meeting.
Throughout our Year-Long Tournament Season, a drawing will be held each month. Every club member with one tournament entry (or more) in the past month has their name entered into the drawing. Future drawings will be held in July, August, and September. The lucky winner’s name is pulled out of the hat and gets to gear up at Surfland Bait & Tackle courtesy of Plum Island Surfcasters.
All senior club members can enter any size bluefish or keeper-size Striped Bass (28 inches or longer) in our tournament. Junior members can enter any size Bluefish or Striped Bass (schoolies count for our Juniors.) Even if a huge fish is leading in our tournament, it is worth entering your fish to qualify you for the monthly drawing.
Surlfand Bait & Tackle is a great place to weigh your fish for the “Kept Fish” category. They even have the tournament entry forms for you available in the shop. Remember that you cannot use your own scale to weigh a “Kept Fish.” You must weigh it on a government-certified scale (available at some tackle shops, food stores, etc.) This is necessary to ensure that the weight is accurate.
Online Entry with photo of fish alongside measuring stick
Online Entry with witness to verify fish length
Paper Affidavit Entry with witness to verify fish length