Sturgeons in the Merrimack River:
a story of decline and recovery
by Micah Kieffer
Research Fishery Biologist at the USGS, Turners Falls, MA
-Sturgeons under global threat
-Sturgeon life history
-Sturgeon research techniques
-Sturgeon research in the Merrimack River
This will be a joint meeting of the Merrimack River Watershed Council
and Plum Island Surfcasters.
Our monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at the Salisbury, MA Hilton Senior Center, (43 Lafayette Rd., Salisbury, MA). Admission is free to members and $5.00 for non-members.
Doors open at 6:30 pm. Our club business meeting starts at 7:15 pm and the speaker’s presentation starts around 8:00 pm.