The Secret Lives of Cape Cod’s Striped Bass, Tuna, and Other Species

presented by Ryan Collins
In this presentation you’ll see striped bass, tuna, and other species from angles and perspectives you may never have seen before! From stripers that sniff chunks before eating them, to giant bluefin tuna engulfing bluefish on video, this presentation will be a fun way to cap the 2023 fishing season, and see the fish we all love and care so deeply about in a completely new and unique way.
Our monthly meetings are held at the Salisbury, MA Hilton Senior Center, (43 Lafayette Rd., Salisbury, MA). Admission is free to members and $5.00 for non-members.
Doors open at 6:30 pm. Our club business meeting starts at 7:15 pm and the speaker’s presentation starts around 8:00 pm.
Find driving directions and information here. The senior center is located behind the fire station, which is visible from the street.
Hilton Senior Center
43 Lafayette Rd
Salisbury, MA 01952

Many Thanks to Our Sponsors