Learn about the issue
Give your Opinion: Public comments due by Dec. 22, 2023
An Explanation of the Proposal
Links to background information:
Addendum Text from ASMFC
Meeting Dates and Directions on Submitting Comments
Our Club Response
Established 1957
Emilie Franke
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
1050 N. Highland Street, Suite 200 A-N
Arlington, VA 22201
Dear Emilie,
Please find the following comments representing the membership of the Plum Island Surfcasters (PISC), a 500-member North Shore Massachusetts fishing club, input on Amendment 7 Addendum 2. The PISC is a non-profit sportfishing club committed to developing best practices in good sportsmanship, education, techniques, and conservation for future generations.
The membership of the Plum Island Surfcaster believes the striped bass stock condition is much worse than is being projected in this addendum. Since we are located toward the Northern reach of the striped bass ocean fishery, we are first to see more acute changes in the population. Many of our members that maintain detailed fishing logs have seen a 60 to 75% reduction in their catch over the past five years.
The Plum Island Surfcasters membership support the following Addendum 2 options:
3.1.1 Ocean Recreational Fishery Options. The membership supports Option B, 1 fish at 28” to 31” with 2022 season (all modes).
While many of our members do use for hire services, we feel that all recreational anglers should operate under the same guidelines related to the size and fish limits. We also believe that it is imperative that we protect the 2015-year class and maintain the current 28” to 31” size limit.
3.1.2 Chesapeake Bay Recreational Fishery Options. The membership supports Option B2 at 1 fish at 19” to 24”.
Option B2 was selected since it meets the desired 14.5 % reduction while holding all recreational anglers to the same size and fish limit.
3.1.3 For-Hire Management Clarification. The membership supports Option B.
While the membership believes all recreational anglers should operate under the same regulations and do not support Options C1 or C2, if either of these options are selected then Option B should be used.
3.1.4 Recreational Filleting Allowance Requirements. The membership supports Option B.
Option B gives law enforcement the ability to ensure compliance with regulations.
3.2.1 Commercial Quota Reduction Options. The membership supports Option B.
Our membership supports a quota reduction of 14.5%. This would bring the commercial quota reduction into alignment with the recreational reduction expected percentages. This is especially needed since some of the states have commercial size limits that are focused on the primary spawning stock.
3.3 Response to Stock Assessment. The membership supports Option B
Our membership supports giving the Board the ability to quickly address stock assessment data that indicates the stock is not projected to meet rebuild probability. This option should be limited to only address assessment data that indicates the stock will not meet rebuild probability.
In addition to the club commentary letter on Addendum II it is heavily encouraged that every member sends their own commentary. A strong and clear chorus championing conservation and a long-term focus on the health of our shared resource is vitally important.
Please do not copy and paste our letter as your comments. If there is no personal message from you, it will be ignored. Please rephrase in your own words and include a personal reflection on the need for protection of the striped bass breeding stock.
You cannot talk your way into catching fish during the season, but your action or silence on this issue will be weighed by the ASMFC board members when they make their decision. The results of this decision will echo for many seasons to come.
Commentary can be sent either via email or mailed letter. Commentary should indicate your opinions on the major topics of the addendum and your support for the best interest of the Striped Bass population. Please try to make your letter unique to your own experience, given that form letters are not always considered with the same weight as a personally drafted one.
Friday, December 22, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. (EST)
Methods of Contact:
(Subject: Striped Bass Draft Addendum II)
Emilie Franke
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
1050 N. Highland Street, Suite 200 A-N
Arlington VA. 22201