We had such a great Juniors fishing season! From the start our freshwater trip in April to our Boat trip in September. A big thank you to the club members who came out and helped out at events. The Juniors program is a very special part of our club and what makes it unique. Hope to make some new friends in 2020 and spend more time out on the water with old. Fingers crossed old man winter is kind and gives us some safe ice to get out on. Thank You to everyone that came out and made the 2019 Juniors Fishing Trips so much fun!
Juniors Program Director
Clayton Patles.
April: Freshwater fishing at Lake Gardner, Amesbury, MA
May: Carp fishing at Alliance Park, Amesbury, MA
June, July, and September: Surf fishing trips on the Plum Island Beachfront targeting Stripers
September: Boat trip aboard the Captain’s Lady, funded by the Kay Moulton Memorial Fund