Saturday, May 20th, 8:00 PM
Sunday, May 21st 8:00 AM
The invitational tournament will be held on the weekend of May 20-21. Sign up will be on Saturday May 20 from 6:30 PM until 7:30 PM at the Plum Island airport. The tournament fishing hours will be from 8:00 PM Saturday until 7:00 AM Sunday morning. All entries must be turned in by 7:30 AM at the Plum Island airport. Members who can not make the sign up time can sign up at the May 16 meeting. Participants in the tournament do not have to fish the entire 11 hours they can make arrangements to join their team at any time with their team leader. Complete rules for the tournament can be found on the club web page under Tournaments/Invitational.
We will be serving Hamburgers and drinks starting at 7:00 PM on Saturday till 7:30 PM. We are also planning on having a casting competition starting at 7:00 PM.
Any member interested in being a team captain for the tournament please let Mike Toole know.
PISC members can register in person at the Plum Island Airport from 6:00 to 7:30 pm on Saturday, May 28th.
- Free registration for Plum Island Surfcasters members, $5.00 registration for non-members (members of another fishing club, pre-registration required)
- Visit for access to Registration and Tournament Rules documents.
- This is a team competition with new club members paired with veterans. There is no better way to learn from our pros.
- Registration at 6 pm on May 28, 2022. Fishing from 8 pm to 7 am.
The Invitational Tournament is a team competition. If you don’t have a team, we will find one for you! For new members, this is a great way to meet other fishermen and learn their secret spots and techniques. Fish as long as you want all night. Next morning, everyone meets for a delicious breakfast and the announcement of winners.
We’ve made a few changes to tournament effective in 2018.
- 40 inch or larger fish counts for 20 points,
- 34 up to 40 inch fish counts for 15 points
- 28 up to 34 inch fish counts for 10 points,
- under 28 inch fish counts for 1 point
All fish must be released to count towards your team’s score!

This tournament is for club members and selected invitees only. If you’d like to participate, you must join the club.
PISC Invitational Registration Form
PISC Invitational Rules
Parking Permit