Saturday, November 9, 2024
6 pm to 9 pm
Salisbury, MA Senior Center
43 Lafayette Rd (Rte 1)

Fishing Tournament and Photo Contest Awards will be presented.
Our annual potluck supper will be held on Saturday, November 9th at the Salisbury, MA Senior Center (our usual club meeting space). The club will provide the turkey, but we need you to provide the fixin’s. Please sign up below with what dish you are bringing. We need appetizers, sides, salads and desserts. We will have our annual awards presentation as well as photography contest. Families are welcome. Last year we had a really nice turnout with over 50 people in attendance so we’d like to see you again this year.
Awards for the Year Long Tournament will be presented to the winners. Please submit your tournament entries ASAP!
The Photography Contest is part of the evening’s activity. Each member may submit two photos for the contest. Entries must be submitted as digital photos by Oct. 31st. Sam Som will bring prints of all entries to the banquet. Submit your photos to (put the word CONTEST in your subject line) or post to the #photo-contest channel on the SLACK club forum.
What’s On the Menu?
Sign Up for Food: Check what others are bringing and let us know what you can bring.