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Member Organized Fishing Trips

Some members have recently expressed interest in group trips to both Cuttyhunk Island in Massachusetts and Montauk on Long Island, New York. Both of these areas are must-visit fishing locations for the Northeast surfcaster.

The Cuttyhunk trip is being planned for the month of June, and the Montauk trip is being planned for the month of October — both in 2018.

James Jewkes has taken planning lead for Cuttyhunk, and Eric Roach has taken lead for Montauk. The primary means of communication about the trips will take place on the club’s online forum. If you are interested, please join the club’s online forum and visit the channel for either trip.

Costs will ultimately be determined by the number of interested parties; exact dates will be determined by availability of accommodations.

Any member wishing to organize a trip is welcome to use the club forum to plan the trip and recruit participants. Contact us to tell us about the trip and have it listed on the website and in the newsletter. You must be a club member to have access to the forum and be eligible to go on a trip.


November 21, 2017 Club Meeting: Captain Greg Metcalf: Fishing for Striped Bass in Kennebunkport

ATTENTION:  The November 21st general meeting will be held at Plum Island Taxpayer Hall, Plum Island Turnpike, Plum Island.  Due to the location change, no dinner will be served.  Dessert and coffee will be available.  The meeting start time is 7:00 PM.  Additional parking available at Surfland.

The November 21st club meeting will feature Captain Greg Metcalf:  Striped Bass Fishing in Kennebunkport.  Greg is a charter boat captain of the Striper Swiper in Kennebunkport, Maine and founder of the Atlantic Captain’s Academy, offering Coast Guard approved courses to captain’s license candidates.  Past ventures include the design and manufacture of fishing tackle (Atom Lures Manufacturing).  He has published in Sportfishing, Salt Water Sportsman, Marlin, and New England Game and Fish magazines.

This guy knows his stuff.  You don’t want to miss this talk!

Please join us on Tuesday, November 21, 2017 for another great angling seminar.  The doors open at 7:00 PM.  The club meeting starts at 7:30 PM. After the meeting, we have a seminar by a featured angler. Seminars are free for club members; there is a $5.00 charge for non-members.  Membership information is available here.
ATTENTION:  The November 21st general meeting will be held at Plum Island Taxpayer Hall, Plum Island Turnpike, Plum Island.  Due to the location change, no dinner will be served.  Dessert and coffee will be available.  The meeting start time is 7:00 PM.  Additional parking available at Surfland.

Map to PITA Hall:


Reserve Your Banquet Tickets!

60th Anniversary Banquet: Nov. 11, 2017

  • Catered Dinner (Chicken Marsala or Cider-Brined Pork Loin)
  • Cash Bar
  • DJ and Dancing
  • $15.00 for Adults, $5.00 for Children
  • Free Admission to All Veterans!

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of our club. Instead of our usual pot-luck dinner and awards banquet, we will be having a catered dinner at the Elks Lodge in Newburyport (25 Low Street, Newburyport, MA ,  01950.) Menu choices include a chicken or pork loin entrée (choice of one), assorted vegetables including salad, Gluten free appetizers and fish chowder (also gluten free), as well as dessert. Children’s menu includes chicken tenders and mac and cheese. Tickets are $15 for senior members, $5 for juniors and veterans are FREE. There will be a Cash bar and DJ. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at the general meetings in Sept. and Oct.  Please join us as we celebrate 60 years of excellence.

Fishing Tournament and Photo Contest Awards will be presented.

To reserve tickets, please contact club president Georgette Henrich by phone at 978-390-2902 or by email using the contact form below.  Tickets must be paid for (check in the mail) by Nov. 5th.  Tickets purchased by email or phone reservation will be available at the door on Nov. 11th.

If you prefer to pay by cash or to pick up your tickets in the Newburyport area prior to Nov. 11th, contact Larry Craig at 978-828-4441.  He will take care of you.


  • Mail a check (made payable to Plum Island Surfcasters) to:
PISC Banquet Tickets
Plum Island Surfcasters

P.O. Box 1585
Newburyport, MA 01950

    Your Name (required)

    Your Phone Number (required)

    Number of Adult Tickets Chicken (required)

    Number of Adult Tickets Pork (required)

    Number of Child Tickets (required)

    Number of Veterans in Group

    Your Email (required)

    Your Message

    You will receive a copy of the email reserving your ticket.  Print it and mail it in with your payment by check (payable to Plum Island Surfcasters) to:

    PISC Banquet Tickets
    Plum Island Surfcasters

    P.O. Box 1585
    Newburyport, MA 01950



    Club Survey

    We are working on posting this survey online, but in the meantime if you haven’t taken it, please take the time to give us your input at our October meeting. It is vital we get your feedback so we can improve how we serve our members. And if you did participate last month, thank you for your time. We’ve gotten some really good preliminary input. Some people indicated they would be willing to volunteer but did not leave contact info. Please e-mail me at Most of our tasks involve 1-2 hours of your time but help the board tremendously. Survey runs through the end of the year.

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    Please print the document above, fill it out, and bring it to a club meeting.

    Thank you for taking the survey.
