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Vote on By-Laws Modifications at January 16, 2018 Club Meeting

The board is proposing a few changes to the club by-laws:

  • criteria to be made an honorary member
  • criteria to be made a life member
  • a formal code of conduct expected of members (like don’t poach fish or pollute the environment)

You can find the proposed new by-laws here.  A version with all changes underlined can be found here.

A shorter supplement with a roadmap to finding just the proposed changes is here.

The current by-laws can be found here.  These by-laws were last voted on in September, 2016.

Printed copies will be available at the meeting to view before the vote.  Please be prepared to vote on these changes at the January 16, 2018 meeting.


Club Meeting: January 16, 2018: Surfcasting 101 by James Jewkes and Clay Patles

Surfcasting 101:

Everything You Need to Know to Be a More Productive Surfcaster
presented by James Jewkes and Clay Patles


You’ve seen the pictures of all the fish these guys catch (on the website, in the newsletter, on the forum…..)  Come hear how they do it!  Learn the tricks and secrets of a couple of our club’s most dedicated and successful fishermen.

Please join us on Tuesday, January 16, 2018 for another great angling seminar.  Our monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at PITA Hall on Plum Island (8 Plum Island Turnpike, Newbury, MA.)  The doors open at 7:00 PM. Dinner is served at prices that will not break the bank. ? The club meeting starts at 7:30 PM.  After the meeting, we have a seminar by a featured angler. Seminars are free for club members; there is a $5.00 charge for non-members.  Membership information is available here.



New Meeting Location: PITA Hall will be our new home base.


Our monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at the PITA Hall, 8 Plum Island Turnpike on Plum Island in Newbury, MA.

We no longer meet at the Newbury, MA Firemen’s Hall.

The club membership has liked PITA Hall (8 Plum Island Turnpike) as a location for our last two meetings, so it has been chosen as our new home base.  Parking will be a bit of a challenge.  In addition to parking along the road, you can park at Surfland Bait & Tackle or at The Cottage Island Market & Spirits (14 Plum Island Blvd.) If you park at the Cottage Island Market, please go in and let someone know that you are with PISC and double check that it is okay.  Also, please thank these businesses with your patronage.

The club meeting starts at 7:30 PM.  After the meeting, we have a seminar by a featured angler. Seminars are free for club members; there is a $5.00 charge for non-members.  Membership information is available here.

Find driving directions and information on parking here.

December 19, 2017 Club Meeting: Annual Yankee Swap

Yankee Swap

December is the month for our Annual Yankee Swap!  This is our holiday celebration.  No seminar or business meeting this month. Please bring a small wrapped gift ($10 to $15 cost suggested) and some holiday dessert to share.  Coffee will be provided.

Last minute holiday gifts available!

 We will have club merchandise available at our next meeting. This is your last chance to get stocking stuffers or that last minute gift for your favorite uncle Joe.

ATTENTION:  The December 19th general meeting will be held at Plum Island Taxpayer Hall, Plum Island Turnpike, Plum Island.  Coffee will be available.  Please bring a holiday dessert to share.  The meeting start time is 7:00 PM.  Additional parking available at Surfland and along the Refuge Road.

The club meeting location has been changed because the firemen’s hall in Newbury is no longer available for rent.  The board is exploring other locations.  We hope to have a new permanent home arranged by January.  Stay tuned for announcements.

>Map to PITA Hall:
