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SPIROS Riverside Cleanup: Saturday April 28, 2018, 8 am to 10 am


• This is kind of last minute, but we put together a riverbank cleanup at the shad fishing spot known as “Spiro’s” in North Andover on Saturday, 4/28/18 at 8:00 AM.  

• Coffee, donuts, trash bags & gloves will be provided.

• This is the private property of Nancy Chippendale’s Dance Studio, so we need to dispose of the collected trash ourselves.  The easiest way to do this is to ask everyone to fill and bring home just one bag of trash.  We can’t leave anything onsite.

• It’s important the owners of the dance studio see anglers positively — they could easily post the back of their parking lot and end our access.

• Saturday morning is one of the busiest days for the studio so the owners are asking us if we could please car pool to limit our presence.  Please make transportation arrangements with your friends.  Ashland Street is a good parking spot within a block of the site.

• You might want to bring your rod, the run will surely be going by this date.

Freshwater fishing license needed here.

Special Note from Eric Roach:  If you are interested in learning how to fish this spot, this is your perfect opportunity to meet guys with many years of experience at Spiro’s.

We hope we get a turnout to match last weekend’s cleanup at Rocks Village.




Club Meeting June 19, 2081: Chasing Flatties by Allan Butler

Chasing Flatties

Allan Butler

Allan’s Dad with a Winter Flounder
Winter Flounder numbers are coming back, don’t miss out on this great eating fish.
Allan will cover techniques that have worked up and down the coast. Bait, Chumming, Drifting, Tackle, all will be covered to help you catch this prize of light tackle and table.


Please note new meeting times.  We are moving everything up by 15 minutes in hopes of getting the seminar started by 8:00.

6:45:  doors open
7:15:  business meeting followed by raffle
8:00:  fishing seminar

Please join us on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 for another great angling seminar.  Our monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at PITA Hall on Plum Island (8 Plum Island Turnpike, Newbury, MA.)  The doors open at 6:45 PM. Dinner is served at prices that will not break the bank. ? The club meeting starts at 7:15 PM.  After the meeting, we have a seminar by a featured angler. Seminars are free for club members; there is a $5.00 charge for non-members.  Membership information is available here.

Find driving directions and information on parking here.

To receive notification of events like this by email, please send us your email address.


May 15, 2018 Club Meeting: Striper Flies for Joppa Flats and Droppers by Joe Calcavecchia

Striper Flies for Joppa Flats and Droppers

Joe Calcavecchia


This will be a practical fly tying lesson.  Bring your vise, tools, and thread.  Joe will provide the materials for the flies.

Joe Calcavecchia is a production tier, a saltwater master fly tier, and the creator of many well-renowned fly patterns such as the Striper Dragon, Mojo Squid, and the Bonita Bear. He has been tying commercially for the past twenty-five years for fly shops in the New England region. He is also a fly designer for Spirit River and on the Regal Vise Pro Staff. He is a master teacher in fly tying and instructs students with a jovial manner that is always infectious to everyone in attendance. Joe takes part in many fishing expos where he is able to talk and engage with visitors and showcase his style of tying. Ask him to tie a Clouser on the Regal Revolution and watch the vise smoke!

Please join us on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 for another great angling seminar.  Our monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at PITA Hall on Plum Island (8 Plum Island Turnpike, Newbury, MA.)  The doors open at 6:45 PM. Dinner is served at prices that will not break the bank. ? The club meeting starts at 7:15 PM.  After the meeting, we have a seminar by a featured angler. Seminars are free for club members; there is a $5.00 charge for non-members.  Membership information is available here.

Please note new meeting times.  We are moving everything up by 15 minutes in hopes of getting the seminar started by 8:00.

6:45:  doors open
7:15:  business meeting followed by raffle
8:00:  fishing seminar

Find driving directions and information on parking here.

To receive notification of events like this by email, please send us your email address.


The PISC Year-Long Tournament Starts Tomorrow, April 1st!

You may not catch your first striper for another month or two, but it is not too soon to get ready for entering them into our tournament.  We want to see lots of entries this year, especially from the Juniors.

Our new tournaments director, Big Jim, has made a few changes, most notably adding a new category to the Year-Long Tournament:  Striper from Surf Caught on Plum Island! 

If you enter your striper to the new Plum Island category, it is not entered into the general striper category.  Each fish can only be entered into one category, no double entries.


Please read the new rules. Please note:

  • start and end dates of tournaments
  • procedures to submit entries via the internet
  • New Tournament Category:  Striper from surf caught on Plum Island, catch and release only
  • new paper affidavit to include the new category

Any new information will be posted to the Tournaments Page as it becomes available.

Big Jim is cheering us on and hoping for personal bests for all of us this year.  Catch those fish and enter them in our tournament!
