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Club Meeting June 18, 2024: Cape Cod Canal: Confessions of a Cow Hunter by Julio Silva

Cape Cod Canal

Confessions of a Cow Hunter

The Cape Cod Canal is an amazing fishery that requires specialized gear, preparation, and knowledge to catch fish consistently, with minimal loss of gear and without self-injury.  In this seminar, I will cover spots, gear, bikes, rigs, and strategies.  I will also share stories directly from the pages of my confidential fishing journal.  This seminar will not be recorded because I will download my full knowledge of hunting cows in the ditch.

Presented by Julio Silva

Julio Silva is an all-species, all-methods angler. During the hours that he should be sleeping, he fishes for anything that swims via shore, boat, kayak, and skishing. He has been blogging for 14 years. His blog overflows with DIY projects ranging from a multi-functional fishing bucket to a custom Gloucester Light Dory that he built from marine plywood and blueprints. He has been delivering fishy seminars for 12 years. He was the President of our club for 4 years. He published his first book, “Plugging the Water Column for fishing fanatics” and is currently working on his second book. He has rods like his wife has shoes. Fishing is indeed his mistress. During his seminars, he answers all questions without secrecy.

Our monthly meetings are held at the Salisbury, MA Hilton Senior Center, (43 Lafayette Rd., Salisbury, MA). Admission is free to members and $5.00 for non-members.

Doors open at 6:30 pm. Our club business meeting starts at 7:00 pm and the speaker’s presentation starts around 7:30 pm.

Find driving directions and information here. The senior center is located behind the fire station, which is visible from the street.

Hilton Senior Center
43 Lafayette Rd
Salisbury, MA 01952

Senior Center Map

Club Meeting: May 21, 2024: Let’s Go Catching by Skip Montello

Let’s Go Catching

Presented by Skip Montello

  • Merrimack and Plum Island
  • Techniques: Light Tackle, Fly and Bait
  • How, When and Where

Our monthly meetings are held at the Salisbury, MA Hilton Senior Center, (43 Lafayette Rd., Salisbury, MA). Admission is free to members and $5.00 for non-members.

Doors open at 6:30 pm. Our club business meeting starts at 7:00 pm and the speaker’s presentation starts around 7:30 pm.

Find driving directions and information here. The senior center is located behind the fire station, which is visible from the street.

Hilton Senior Center
43 Lafayette Rd
Salisbury, MA 01952

Senior Center Map

Many Thanks to Our Sponsors

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The 26th Annual Fishing Show on March 23, 2024

Trophy Topwater Fishing

presented by Finn Hawley

Time of year
Bait trying to mimic Best Structure


Striper Fishing the Rocks

presented by Allan Butler

One of the most exciting places to fish for striped bass is a rocky shoreline, whether it is from land or boat, we will be talking about how to fish it whether seas are flat or there are mountains of water crashing on the rocks.

Allan will cover: what to look for, the best times, what to use when you are there, and how to land your catch. Hardware, flies or bait, he will go over what you need to do to put yourself on fish, beginner or seasoned angler.

For over 40 years Allan Butler has been a Fishing Guide, Outdoor Writer, and Public Speaker, most of it spent guiding for stripers with both spinning and fly. Allan’s style of guiding has always been foremost about instruction and showing his clients how to fish our great waters!

Request information on renting a booth at the show.

Many thanks to all our sponsors who support the club and donate items for our raffle table.

Directions to Hope Church, 11 Hale Street, Newburyport, MA   01950


Request Information on Renting a Booth
