Doors Open 7:30AM
Over $5,000 in Raffle, Auction and door Prizes
Eight different rod and reel combo’s available from beginners to expert
Discounted Hot Breakfast 7:30AM-9:00AM
Endless Cup-O-Coffee $3.00
1st Seminar 8:15AM-9:00AM
Captain’s Al & Skip Montello – Saltwater Fly Fishing
2nd Seminar 9:15AM
Joe Gugino – Why Knot Fishing – Big Stripers for a Kayak
3rd Seminar 12:30pm
Jimmy Fee – On The Water Magazine – Plugging for Cow Stripers
. The 20th Annual Fishing Show, 11 Hale Street, Newburyport, MA 01950
Show Date: Saturday, March 12, 2016
1. Doors Open At 7:30 a.m. For Special Early Bird Price On Hot Breakfast
2. First 66 Show Registrants Receive A Free “Goodie Bag” Loaded With Treats
The Hope Church Gymnasium is conveniently located between U.S. Route 1 and I-95 in Newburyport and is very easy to find.
From I-95 North or South…. take the Newburyport Exit 57 off of I-95. At the end of the Exit turn East onto Route 113 (Story Ave) and drive .3 mile to a Shell gas station and 7Eleven, both on the right hand side of the road at an intersection. Turn right at that stop light intersection onto Low Street. and drive 1.3 miles to Hale Street on the right. There is a stop light at that Hale and Low Street intersection. Turn right (or South) onto Hale Street and go .1 mile or to the second private driveway on the left. Turn left into the Hope Church driveway that is marked with a large white sign on the left. Follow the driveway to the right rear parking lot or West side of the building. The entrance to the 20th Annual Fishing Show will be well-marked with signage. Doors open at 7:30 a.m.for your all-day-one-charge fresh brewed coffee/teas and hot breakfast .
From U.S. Route 1 In Newburyport. Turn West at the Low Street stoplight intersection off of Route 1 onto Low Street. There is a small green Low Street sign at the intersection. (Opposite the Low Street sign across Route 1 is a small green sign for Pond Street which goes East toward downtown Newburyport. Do not turn East at that intersection). Going West on Low Street drive .7 mile to the second stoplight intersection and look for the small Hale Street sign on the left at the intersection. Turn left onto Hale Street and go .1 mile or to the second private driveway on the left. Turn left into the second driveway. A large white “Hope Church” sign is easily visible on the left . Follow the driveway to the right rear parking lot or West side of the building. The entrance to the 20th Annual Fishing Show will be well-marked with signage. Doors open at 7:30 a.m.for your all-day-one-charge fresh brewed coffee/tea, juice and hot breakfast.
If you have questions call (603) 260-9385.We look forward to enjoying a really fun day with you on Saturday, March 12th, 2016