Remembering Kay Moulton

Kay Moulton and Bob Smith

On Saturday, June 30th, our club lost its biggest booster, mentor, island icon, and most of all, our friend, Kay Moulton. Kay and her husband Ray opened Surfland’s doors in 1960, three short years after this club was founded, and the bond between the club and the shop was immediately formed. Kay’s generosity, especially to our Juniors’ program, was beyond description. She helped the club many times when times were tough for the club with her many donations of tackle and sage advice.

Kay was revered by those who knew her and even those who came to Surfland once in a while. And if you were lucky, you were known as a “Kay Customer”, emblazoned on a T shirt once sold at the shop. And you were even luckier if you ended up with her peanut brittle at our annual Yankee swap. But most of all you were blessed if you got to know this wonderful person as I did over the past 33 years.

Kay leaves a legacy that is beyond compare. Everyone along the eastern seaboard knew Kay. Anyone who knew fishing knew of Kay and Surfland. This clubs owes a debt of gratitude to Kay and Surfland. She and her crew were the recipient of the first Bob Smith Honorary award for their contributions to the club. That award hangs proudly over the window of the shop, so when you go in to pay your respects take a look up and you’ll be reminded of this remarkable woman and the mark she left on everyone who was fortunate to meet her. You are missed, my friend.

Georgette Henrich ~ President

You can read the full obituary for Kay at this link.
