Some members have recently expressed interest in group trips to both Cuttyhunk Island in Massachusetts and Montauk on Long Island, New York. Both of these areas are must-visit fishing locations for the Northeast surfcaster.
The Cuttyhunk trip is being planned for the month of June, and the Montauk trip is being planned for the month of October — both in 2018.
James Jewkes has taken planning lead for Cuttyhunk, and Eric Roach has taken lead for Montauk. The primary means of communication about the trips will take place on the club’s online forum. If you are interested, please join the club’s online forum and visit the channel for either trip.
Costs will ultimately be determined by the number of interested parties; exact dates will be determined by availability of accommodations.
Any member wishing to organize a trip is welcome to use the club forum to plan the trip and recruit participants. Contact us to tell us about the trip and have it listed on the website and in the newsletter. You must be a club member to have access to the forum and be eligible to go on a trip.