Our Annual Holiday Celebration
The Yankee Swap

Bring a small ($15 approximate value) wrapped gift and a dessert or appetizer (no dinner at this meeting.)
We would like to include more of our Junior members this year. Please RSVP if you will bring a Junior. We would like to have gingerbread houses to decorate and need a headcount to prepare.
Please join us on Tuesday, December 17, 2019 for another the annual holiday celebration. Our monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at the Salisbury, MA Hilton Senior Center, (43 Lafayette Rd., Salisbury, MA). The doors open at 6:45 PM. Dinner is served at prices that will not break the bank. The club meeting starts at 7:15 PM. After the meeting, we have a seminar by a featured angler. Seminars are free for club members; there is a $5.00 charge for non-members. Membership information is available here.
Find NEW driving directions and information here.
We relocated to the Salisbury, MA Hilton Senior Center for the May 2019 club meeting. All future meetings will take place at this new location.
Hilton Senior Center
43 Lafayette Rd
Salisbury, MA 01952